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Showing posts from April, 2019

Of Diets and Workouts

This morning while exercising at the park, I overhead a conversation among a few ladies. One of them mentioned that eating some sweet food in the morning is good. Another lady agreed and added that it will make a person look prettier. This conversation caught my attention and got me thinking how sweet food can help someone look prettier. Is it really true? I don't know. But I do know that if I go on a healthy diet, and exercise regularly, I will surely become fit and healthy and that will certainly make me look prettier. Do you follow a certain diet or do you eat at your heart's content? I do the latter most of them time. I just cannot resist food, especially savoury ones. Once upon a time (more than a decade ago), I heard of a diet where every once a month, you eat only apples for three consecutive days. Then about a  year or two ago, I heard of another diet where you fast for three consecutive days, also once every month. I was introduced to yet another kind o...