Stickers, stickers and more stickers
On pillows and blankets,
toy cars and balls,
chairs and clothes
My 4-year-old was on a mission.
She was claiming ownership to things she likes.😐
I didn't know whether to laugh or to be upset with her way of doing things
her actions stimulated some thoughts in me.
Do we, as adults, also try to claim ownership to things (and people) in our own unique ways?
Writing our names on items such as pencil cases and water bottles was one of the first methods we learnt on claiming ownership.
In a relationship...
Sometimes, I see interesting words on people's t-shirts shout out ownerships. For example: "He's my better half" and "She's my better half", "She stole my heart" and "So I am stealing his last name", etc...
Some men would use a necklace to "claim ownership" to the girl they are interested in.
Then comes the engagement ring and finally, the wedding ring, to "claim ownership" to the person we want to be with for the rest of our lives.
I remember my boyfriend (now my husband), gave me a necklace a few months after we started seeing each other very often.
How did your other half "claim his/her ownership" to you?
What are some of the interesting ways you do to claim ownership to a relationship or to your beloved items?
On pillows and blankets,
toy cars and balls,
chairs and clothes
My 4-year-old was on a mission.
She was claiming ownership to things she likes.😐
I didn't know whether to laugh or to be upset with her way of doing things
her actions stimulated some thoughts in me.
Do we, as adults, also try to claim ownership to things (and people) in our own unique ways?
Writing our names on items such as pencil cases and water bottles was one of the first methods we learnt on claiming ownership.
In a relationship...
Some men would use a necklace to "claim ownership" to the girl they are interested in.
Then comes the engagement ring and finally, the wedding ring, to "claim ownership" to the person we want to be with for the rest of our lives.
I remember my boyfriend (now my husband), gave me a necklace a few months after we started seeing each other very often.
How did your other half "claim his/her ownership" to you?
What are some of the interesting ways you do to claim ownership to a relationship or to your beloved items?
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